Painting has become his passion, and it is what he looks forward to the most. Tommy Hennigan was producing artwork for various galas but it came to a stop when COVID-19 occurred. Now, it’s time to get back to painting and inspiring the community. On Friday September 2, 2022, Tommy Hennigan had his first art show sponsoring Tommy Hennigan’s Voice Nonprofit Organization at the ArtWorks Gallery & Studio – which is supported by Beacon-Keystone, and all organizations help to promote special needs and creativity in the community.
Tommy’s Voice began in September 2021 to create a safe place for people with special needs. Eve Hennigan runs the organization. We had the opportunity to speak with her and she teaches us that Tommy and his community have limited resources for recreational activities. Her son has his own art studio in the garage where he follows his passion through various colors, and he has been attending art classes for the past six years at ArtWorks Gallery, but in regards to other activities she has to get creative. Movies and bowling are fun, but after awhile, how about other activities?
If you’d like to learn more about their nonprofit organization called Tommy’s Voice check out the link!
Any help, resources, and contributions are always welcome, and that is another reason why Tommy paints. His paintings are for sale: original and print, and all proceeds go to Tommy’s Voice to help provide a place where people with special needs feel safe and accepted, they have access to much-needed resources, and they socialize and partake in recreational fun.
Studying since 2016 at ArtWorks Gallery, this is Tommy’s home-away-from-home. He has worked with all the art instructors every Wednesday in a small classroom setting where they focus on individualizing students’ crafts. When speaking with Jeff Kuratnick, the art manager at ArtWorks, he said “other students look towards Tommy because he produces artwork that gets the other students motivated and excited.” Though he has spent time painting smaller sizes, such as an 11×17″, his next goal is to start producing larger scale art on canvas, such as 24×36″, on a more regular basis. Tommy uses a good cross between dark and light colors for an eclectic combination, and his art is relatable because he uses his hands. The way he blends colors and slides across the canvas creates images that draw the public in because the human handprint is relatable. Tommy’s color arrangement moves across the sheet similar to stop-motion animation as he has a sophisticated way to apply paint and utilize colors and depth. Jeff has had years of experience working with special needs individuals and it is a passion of his while his staff is focused on individualized learning for all ages and all skill-levels. He stated Tommy is an absolute joy at this gallery. To learn more about ArtWorks Gallery: ArtWorks Gallery & Studio.
At 34 years old, Tommy has a severe form of autism and is a non-verbal abstract artist, and he couldn’t wait to get back to having an art show. It was over the Labor Day weekend in Scranton, PA on 9/2/22 from 6-9pm where there was a turnout of about 200-250 people in attendance. From friends, family members, and local supporters, this was a great event to showcase his art. All of this is in hopes to continue being part of the community and increasing awareness for special needs. When asking the art manager if there is a possibility of having a showcase he stated the possibility is high: maybe in a year or every other year. When asking his mom if Tommy will do more art galas, she said just ask and an art show is possible.
To learn more about Tommy Hennigan: About Tommy Hennigan
To purchase Tommy’s paintings: Tommy Hennigan Paintings for Purchase
If you are looking for more resources, you can always reach out to Tommy’s Voice to work with a nonprofit, ArtWorks Gallery & Studio provides artistic classes for all, and Beacon- Keystone/ Beacon Specialty Living is able to provide solutions too.
Written and posted by Jennifer Straka, Marketing and Admin Specialist with Beacon Specialized Living.
For more information on Beacon’s list of activities and programs, please direct your query to Alexander Furman, Executive Director of Marketing, at