Walk a Mile in my Shoes graphic.

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Walk-A-Mile In My Shoes Rally

  Lansing, MI – Beacon Specialized Living will attend a Walk-A-Mile In My Shoes Rally on Thursday, September 15, 2022 from 12:30pm- 3:00pm at the State Capitol Building to educate and promote mental health awareness.   Beacon Specialized Living serves Individuals with intellectual disabilities and mental health needs. The staff provides the highest level of support by following best practices and having compassion while making sure to meet Individual needs and aiding them with living life to their fullest.   On 9/15/22 from 12:30pm – 3:00pm everyone is invited to gather on the State Capitol steps alongside our Beacon Team. Be ready to walk and help enhance public awareness to educate legislators about why mental health matters. The goal of this important rally is to help end stigmas related to developmental disabilities, mental illness, and substance use disorders. Will you attend to help raise awareness? Do you have friends, family, and acquaintances who will join?   In the past, this rally has had over 4,000 people in attendance to show their support for mental health awareness, and this year Beacon is showing their support with a small team dedicated and passionate about their community and supporting those who don’t have a voice as well. Can we get more than 4,000 advocates to rally on behalf of 300,000+ vulnerable citizens who are struggling and who are at risk this September 2022? Have a voice, be ready to walk, and we’ll see you in Lansing, MI!       Contact Information: Beacon Specialized Living Alexander Furman Office: 269-585-0599 Alexander.Furman@beaconspecialty.org


  • Jennifer holds a BA in English & Communications from Western Michigan University, focusing on marketing and sales. With over a decade of experience, she brings a fresh lens to Beacon's events and activities, helping the individuals we serve through acts of kindness wherever she goes.

    Compliance & Marketing Assistant