Young and elderly woman holding hands on a couch.

Staying connected with loved ones and staying active.

Resident Plan

Hometown Family and Friends,

We at Hometown hope that this finds you safe and healthy during these challenging times for everyone.

During these unprecedented times due to the COVID-19 pandemic we find ourselves in, we are all navigating in uncharted waters with respect to our new daily normal. At Hometown Senior Living, we’ve adjusted in many ways as well. We want to remind and ensure everyone who has loved ones in our homes that the care of our residents comes first in everything we do. Over the course of the last couple weeks our priority has been implementing and training our care givers on new measures to ensure the safety of all our residents. WE continue to comply and exceed all State and Federal guidelines on all COVID-19 requirements.

In addition to working hard on the clinical needs of our residents, we’ve also been working hard on ways to keep our residents socially and physically engaged and active during these times of visitor and distancing restrictions. We understand how hard this has been on many of you and appreciate your understanding and patience with the new restrictions that are in place to ensure residents and staff safety and health. We also realize this is critical to our resident’s mental and physical wellbeing and are taking active steps to ensure they have the opportunity to remain active and socially engaged to the maximum extent possible during these times. While not all encompassing, here is a list of action steps we have implemented or are continuing to meet our resident’s social and physical needs:

Staying Connected with Loved Ones

  • New “Virtual Visits” – We are implementing a new Hometown program called “Virtual Visits” through Google Hangouts on our new Hometown iPads. Each Hometown location has received a new iPad to connect family & friends to your loved ones virtually. We also have the ability to connect to our big screen TVs in every home to create as immersive and real virtual experience as possible.
  • Glass Door Visits – For those Family & Friends who would like to physically see your loved ones, we will be scheduling visits on our patios and decks to interact and socialize through safe “glass door” separation. We will be scheduling these visits via
  • Emails & Letters – We are encouraging those residents who have computers, tablets, and smart phones to continue to connect to loved ones via email and other electronic means. For those who still love snail mail, we are supporting those types of correspondence through this time as well.

Staying Active

  • Wellness Physical Activities – A variety of routine physical activities including exercises, yoga walking, stationary biking, and stretches in our common spaces, resident rooms, or in our dedicated Wellness rooms at all our Wedgewood locations. This is scheduled by our nurses, activity coordinator, and home managers as residents are able and per care plan.
  • Activity Coordinator Led Activities – Our activities coordinator is keepign residents busy with many weeekly schedled actvities including balloon volleyball, at-home bowling, dancing, and as weather improves, cookouts! Check with home managers or our activity coordinator for home monthly activities calendars and a schedule of many resident activities.
  • Care Giver Led Regular Activities – Puzzles, Arts and Crafts, manicure & pedicures, and a variety of board and card games. All of our regular activities are still available for resident use and continue to happen with residents and our care givers.
  • Resident Gardening & Planting – As Spring buds, all homes will have some indoor gardening and planting activities for our residents to engage in and enjoy nature.
  • Music – Most of our homes are equipped with pianos and some have automatic players. They are being used for musical activities and music therapy. We also have a local Woodbury High School (East Ridge) who has volunteered for student-led weekly music via video with which we are connecting.
  • Spiritual Engagement – Online and virtual options are made available on request and by individuals’ faith.

If you have any additional questions, concerns, or suggestions regarding:

COVID-19 response

Please contact LeeAnne Graetz – Executive Director of Operations

(651) 340-6990

Resident Activities and Engagement

Please contact Cheyanne Schmitt – Activities Coordinator

(651) 829-4128

We thank you for your continued trust in Hometown Senior Living and for the honor to care for your loved one.


  • Alex Furman is the Executive Director of Marketing with Beacon Specialized Living. He holds an MS in Strategic Leadership and Communications from Purdue University. Before his time at Beacon he served as a Captain in the United States Marine Corps. He has a background in copywriting, creative writing, and event management.